Marinated Monkfish

Sorting through old paperwork as you do, I came across this recipe which was first posted on my original Personal Homepage back in 1998 …

A favourite recipe of mine, this is a tasty Moroccan dish with spice, cumin and a pungent hot taste. If you cannot obtain, or indeed do not like monkfish, both fresh salmon and tuna steaks can be substituted. If you simply don’t like fish, then try it with a leg or shoulder of lamb, adding a little mint to the recipe. If you like neither fish nor meat, I suggest you move on quickly!


Two 150g pieces of monkfish, cleaned and filleted
250g couscous
400ml chicken stock
Half bunch coriander
1 red chilli
1 red pepper
1 red onion
2 plum tomatoes
2 lemons
Salt and pepper to season

Couscous is available from all main supermarkets. It is a cereal most often used in North African dishes and is a tasty alternative to either rice or pasta.

The following will be needed for the marinade:

Half bunch of flat leaf parsley
2 cloves of garlic
¼ tspn dried chilli flakes
1½ tspn paprika
1½ tspn cumin
1½ tspn curry powder
Olive oil and seasoning

PREPARATION TIME 45 mins Serves 2

1.  Finely chop the garlic and parsley with a sharp knife. Place in a medium bowl then mix in all the other marinade ingredients. Allow this to stand for a few minutes so that the flavours start to infuse.

2.  Place the monkfish on a chopping board and cut each piece into three (the same applies to any other fish substituted). Place the fish in the bowl with the marinade and stir, ensuring that the marinade fully covers the fish. Leave to stand for 15 mins stirring occasionally.

3.  Pour the couscous into a large bowl. Heat the chicken stock to boiling point and pour over the couscous, then beat together with a fork. Cover the bowl with cling film and leave in a warm place for 5 mins.

4.  Finely chop the red pepper, red onion and the plum tomatoes. Take the bowl containing the couscous and break up the couscous with a fork. Mix in all the vegetables and season with a little salt and pepper. Put back in a warm place until ready to serve.

5.  Finely chop the coriander, place it into a small bowl and then add the juice of the two lemons, four tablespoons of olive oil and a little seasoning. Mix half this dressing in with the couscous, saving the other half to pour on top of the dish.

6.  Pre-heat a dessert spoonful of oil in a frying pan. Fry the fish for about two minutes each side or until golden brown.


Arrange the fish on a bed of couscous and gently pour over the remainder of the dressing. This dish is ideal on a warm summer evening and delicious served with a mixed green salad accompanied by a good Chardonnay or your favourite tipple!